Color Blindness Test

by Turko Game

Health & Fitness


The Color Blindness Test was developed to determine if a person is color blind. You can determine your own status with the pictures included in the test content and the notes in the picture.Color blindness is the lack of a special pigment molecule in the vision center of a living thing or less than necessary. As a result of this deficiency, the colors around the various colors are indistinguishable. Red, green and blue colors can not distinguish between one or more of the resulting disorder.The Color Blind test application allows the person to determine whether he is color-coded by specially crafted images and explanations created with the mixture of such colors. An eye specialist must be consulted for any diagnosis.8% of men in the world and 0.5% of women are color blind. Color blindness disease is genetically transported. In the diagnosis of color blindness, tests are carried out based on the discoloration of some colored yarns or the colors of the plaques with colored speckles.Color blind people face many challenges in daily life. For example, in distinguishing the traffic lights, the color difference of the employees in the textile sector, reading the color codes of maps, distinguishing the colored small lights that show the working status of many devices, even when they are cooking, they find it difficult to distinguish how cooked meat is. School-age children incorrectly choose the colors of the objects when drawing, so their success in the lessons may be low.In Turkey, the citizens of Diskromatops (Color Blindness), Police Department, Turkish Armed Forces, Graphic, Fire, Electrical and Electronics, Textile, Ophthalmologist, Pilot, Sailor and so on. It is not accepted as working in many occupational groups. Health screenings are therefore reported as unfavorable. For this reason, many expenses are wasted.Security Directorate, Turkish Armed Forces, Graphic Engineer, Fire Brigade, Electrical and Electronics, Textile, Ophthalmologist, Pilot, Seaman etc. Before applying to the business lines, you should definitely test whether you are color blind.